Ötztal - the Austrian Way

"Diamond of the Alps": Discover Gurgl, a premium winter destination in the Tyrolean Alps, this winter!

Gurgl is known for memorable winter holidays at the highest level in combination with upscale hotels and restaurants. This blend guarantees top quality skiing at the rear end of Ötztal amid mighty three-thousand-meter-high peaks in one of the Alps’ most exclusive ski areas. The premium winter destination enchants visitors with its snow-sure altitude between 1,800 and 3,080 meters above sea level, 112 immaculate slope kilometers and 25 mountain lifts without any waiting times.

Gurgl. Top Quality Skiing in Upper Ötztal (PDF)
Gurgl. Diamond of the Alps (PDF)

Ötztal Tourism: https://www.oetztal.com/winter.html

Photos available below. Please include photo credits and link to www.oetztal.com when used online.

Ötztal Tourismus / Alexander Lohmann
Ötztal Tourismus / Dominic Ebenblichler
Ötztal Tourismus / Christoph Schöch
Ötztal Tourismus
Ötztal Tourismus / Anton Brey
Ötztal Tourismus / Alexander Lohmann
Ötztal Tourismus / Alexander Lohmann
Ötztal Tourismus / Alexander Lohmann